I18N (Resource Bundles)
Resource bundles provide support to different languages based on the user’s preference.
Last updated
Resource bundles provide support to different languages based on the user’s preference.
Last updated
Resource bundles takes the json data specified in {language_code}.json . Refer this to know about language codes .
Defines two resource types:
1. Consumption: Related to content consumed by users.
2. Creation: Related to tools for creating content.
To Change the Language Preference:
Select one from the dropdown, default is English.
src->app->resourcebundles->json has the .json files that contains the resource bundles array.
For example en.json has,
frmelmnts->btn-> "addnuserrole"="Add new role"
If you want to modify the add new user role button just update the
Add new role like,
frmelmnts->btn-> "addnuserrole"="new Add new role"
src->app->resourcebundles->json This folder contains .json files that hold the resource bundle arrays. To add a new resource bundle, create a file named {language_code}.json.
Copy and paste the content of en.json into your new file and modify the value. It will display the default(english) value if any of the values are missing.
A proper format should be followed for example,
frmelmnts->btn-> "addnuserrole"= "Add new role"