
To commence your journey with SunbirdEd, follow these guidelines:

  • Choose Cloud Platform: Your first step is to create an account on a cloud platform that best fits your needs. Whether you opt for Azure, AWS, GCP, or OCI, your choice should be guided by considerations like your budget, available technical resources, and the degree of control you wish to have over your deployment. You can also leverage an existing account if it aligns with your requirements.

  • Provision Cloud Infrastructure: Create all the necessary network, compute, and storage resources required for the SunbirdEd platform to function optimally. Please refer to the Pre-requisites section for more details.

  • Install SunbirdEd: Once you've provisioned the essential cloud resources, it's time to build, provision, and deploy the SunbirdEd platform. Comprehensive installation instructions are provided in the installation guide.

  • Configure SunbirdEd: With the SunbirdEd platform successfully installed, you can start configuring it to match your specific needs. This encompasses tasks such as user account setup, tenant configuration, framework definition, and the customisation of forms, among other essential adjustments.

Last updated