Sunbird Client Services

In order to facilitate Adopters to connect with Sunbird System. Typescript based library to connect with APIs. It can facilitate the adopters with readily available data models.


The library is grouped into Modules and SubModules as shown below -

├── /core
│   └── /http-service
│       └── /utilities
│           └── /interceptors
├── /models
│   ├── /channel
│   ├── /content
│   ├── /course
│   ├── /device
│   ├── /faq
│   ├── /form
│   ├── /group
│   ├── /organisation
│   ├── /page
│   └── /user
└── /services
    ├── /content
    │   └── /utilities
    │       └── /content-group-generator
    └── /group

The public facing API is prefixed with 'Cs' namespace, as in -

  • CsModule

  • CsConfig

  • CsGroupService

  • ...

For instance,

  • CsModule is part of the root module

  • CsContentsGroupGenerator is a utlility within content service

Their respective imports would be -

import {CsModule} from "@project-sunbird/client-services";
import {CsContentsGroupGenerator} from "@project-sunbird/client-services/services/content/utilities/content-group-generator";


To install the package

npm i @project-sunbird/client-services@3.x.x

The package requires the consumer to have rxjs@6.x.x installed as the only peerDependency

Getting Started

To use the library CsModule, it needs to be initialised with basic configuration. CsModule is a singleton and it would be best to check if it has already been initialised before attempting to initialise -

if (!CsModule.instance.isInitialised) { // Singleton initialised or not
    await CsModule.instance.init({
        core: {
            httpAdapter: 'HttpClientBrowserAdapter', // optional - HttpClientBrowserAdapter or HttpClientCordovaAdapter, default - HttpClientBrowserAdapter 
            global: {
                channelId: 'some_channel_id', // required
                producerId: 'some_producer_id', // required
                deviceId: 'some_random_device_id' // required
            api: {
                host: '', // default host
                authentication: {
                    // userToken: string; // optional
                    // bearerToken: string; // optional
        services: {
            // groupServiceConfig: CsGroupServiceConfig // optional


If the client for the library is a cordova project, use the 'HttpClientCordovaAdapter' adapter or use 'HttpClientBrowserAdapter'. 'HttpClientBrowserAdapter' is the default if not specified.

Update Configuration

The configuration can be dynamically reset after initialisation

const newConfig = {...CsModule.instance.config}; // copy existing config

newConfig.core.api.authentication = {
    bearerToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXV.eyJpc3MiOiJzdGFnaW5nLmRpa3NoYS5hcHAtYTMzM2YzZjExZDM0YzlkNWYwZTE2MjUyYWMwZDVhYTZmMTBjYSIsImlhdCI6MTU4ODkxNDc1NX0.dEmjK6LStoenL_pRX1KwEtU4-opuUOUGI05ecex',


// after login

newConfig.core.api.authentication = {
    userToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXV.eyJpc3MiOiJzdGFnaW5nLmRpa3NoYS5hcHAtYTMzM2YzZjExZDM0YzlkNWYwZTE2MjUyYWMwZDVhYTZmMTBjYSIsImlhdCI6MTU4ODkxNDc1NX0.dEmjK6LStoenL_pRX1KwEtU4-opuUOUGI05ecex',


Accessing a service

The CsModule being a singleton, every service within would also be a singleton, To access any service -

const httpService = CsModule.instance.httpService; // handles API calls, interceptors (tokens, logging)
const groupService = CsModule.instance.groupService; // internally uses httpService


Every service by default will utilise the optional configuration declared during init() or updateConfig()

    services: {
        groupServiceConfig: { // optional
            apiPath: '/api/v1/group'

Additionally, methods of the service may have an optional argument that can override the global configuration explicitly just for that method call

const group = await groupService.getById(
    { apiPath: '/api/v2/group' } // optional


This service deals with user group management and has the following interface -

    services: {
        groupServiceConfig: { // optional
            apiPath: '/api/v1/group'

interface CsGroupService {
        name: string,
        board: string,
        medium: string | string[],
        gradeLevel: string | string[],
        subject: string | string[],
        config?: CsGroupServiceConfig
    ): Observable<Group>;

    deleteById(id: string, config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<void>;

    getAll(config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<Group[]>;

    getById(id: string, config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<Group>;

    addMemberById(memberId: string, groupId: string, config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<Group>;

    removeMemberById(memberId: string, groupId: string, config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<void>;


    services: {
        frameworkServiceConfig: { // optional
            apiPath: '<path>'

export interface CsFrameworkService {
    getFramework(id: string, options?: GetFrameworkOptions, config?: CsFrameworkServiceConfig): Observable<Framework>;


    services: {
        locationServiceConfig: { // optional
            apiPath: '<path>'

export interface CsLocationService {
    searchLocations(request?: SearchLocationRequests, config?: CsLocationServiceConfig): Observable<Location[]>;


    services: {
        courseServiceConfig: { // optional
            apiPath: '<path>'

export interface CsCourseService {
    getUserEnrollmentList(request: GetUserEnrollmentListRequests, additionalParams?: { [key: string]: string }, config?: CsCourseServiceConfig): Observable<Course[]>;

Video on Sunbird Client Services

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