Data Model
Druid Data Sources
Dimensions | Datatype | Description |
program_name | String | Name of the program to which the project is mapped to |
project_updated_date | Date | Project last updated date |
project_evidence | String | Link of the attachment uploaded at the in a project |
tasks_status | String | Status of the Task attached to project |
district_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the District mapped to the user |
task_evidence_count | Long | Total attachment count uploaded for Task |
board_name | String | Name of the board mapped to the user |
sub_task_deleted_flag | Boolean | Indicates True or False which tells whether the sub-task is deleted by the user from the app |
school_name | String | Name of the School declared by the User |
state_code | Long | Unique identifier of the State code |
private_program | String | boolean value that defines program type |
createdBy | String | User keycloak id on the sunbrid platform |
channel | String | Root organisation of user |
status_of_project | String | Status of the Project created or mapped |
project_description | String | Summary of the project |
state_name | String | Name of the State mapped to the user |
task_assigned_to | String | Provides the username or email to which user the task is assigned to |
sub_task_date | String | Last sync date of the sub task |
district_name | String | Name of the District mapped to the user |
project_completed_date | String | Date of completion of the project |
task_id | String | Unique identifier of Task attached to the Project |
task_remarks | String | Remarks of the task |
organisation_name | String | Organisation Name of the user belongs to |
project_title_editable | String | Edited name of the Project |
project_duration | String | Duration of the project taken to complete |
block_code | Long | Unique identifier of the Block code |
school_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the School mapped to the user |
project_goal | String | Goal of the Project created or mapped |
program_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the program to which the project is mapped to |
project_deleted_flag | String | Indicates True or False which tells whether the projects is deleted by the user from the app |
tasks | String | Name of the Task attached to Project |
certificate_id | String | Unique identifier of the Certificate |
certificate_status_customised | String | Customised Certificate Status Data as Issued or not |
block_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the Block |
block_name | String | Name of the Block mapped to the user |
task_evidence_status | String | Indicates true or false of evidence attached or not at the task level |
tasks_date | Date | Last sync date of the task |
organisation_id | String | Unique Identifier for the organisation |
project_terms_and_condition | String | boolean value that defines terms and condition |
district_code | Long | Unique identifier of the District code |
parent_channel | String | Column with constant value - "SHIKSHALOKAM" |
user_type | String | User Role |
certificate_issued_on | date | certificate issued date to user |
designation | String | Sub role of the user |
task_end_date | String | End date of Task attached to Project |
project_remarks | String | Remarks of the projects |
certificate_status | String | Status of the project ceritificate |
school_code | Long | Unique identifier of the school code |
state_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the State |
project_title | String | Name of the Project |
sub_task_end_date | String | End date of Sub task attached to task |
solution_id | String | Unique identifier of the Solution in an Project generated by system |
task_deleted_flag | String | Indicates True or False which tells whether the task is deleted by the user from the app |
certificate_template_url | String | Url of the Ceritificate generated for the projects |
project_created_type | String | Type of the project either Imported from library (or) created by the user |
task_evidence | String | Link of the attachment uploaded at the task level in a project |
task_sequence | int | sequence of the tasks |
project_id | String | Unique identifier of the Project created or mapped |
program_id | String | Unique identifier of the program to which the project is mapped to |
project_last_sync | String | Last sync date of the project |
sub_task_id | String | Unique identifier of Sub task attached to the task |
sub_task_status | String | Status of Sub task attached to the task |
area_of_improvement | String | Category of the project created or assigned or imported |
task_count | Long | Total count of tasks in project |
sub_task | String | Name of Sub task attached to the task |
project_created_date | Date | Date of creation of the project |
project_evidence_count | Long | Total attachment count uploaded for Project |
ml-project-status | ml-project-programLevel-status
Dimensions | Datatype | Description |
unique_projects | long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of project_id |
unique_users | long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of createdBy |
unique_solution | long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of solution_id |
no_of_certificate_issued | long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of "certificate_status_customised" == "Issued" , "project_id" |
no_of_imp_with_evidence | long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of "evidence_status" == True, "status_of_project" == "submitted","project_id" |
Dimensions | Datatype | Description |
solutionExternalId | String | Unique identifier of the Solution in an observation |
questionResponseType | String | which type of question is - Like text, radio, slider, multiselect, matrix, date, number |
instanceParentCriteriaName | String | question type has matrix Name of that is instanceParentCriteriaName |
criteriaId | String | Unique identifier of the Criteria in an observation |
criteriaName | String | Name of the Criteria to which the observation is submitted |
location_validated_with_geotag | String | Observe Again location of user after user submitted |
user_boardName | String | Board Name of the user belongs to - CBSE, State (Andhra Pradesh), IGOT-Health etc |
observationId | String | Unique identifier of the an observation |
programName | String | Name of the program to which the observation is submitted |
blockName | String | Name of the Block mapped to the user |
childType | String | Type of sub question in criteria - criteria |
organisation_name | String | Organisation Name of the user belongs to -Staging Custodian Organization, Globe etc |
user_clusterName | String | Cluster Name of the user belongs to |
solution_type | String | Defines the type of Solution |
criteriaExternalId | String | Unique identifier of the Criteria in an observation |
questionResponseLabel | String | Answers given by User |
instanceParentExternalId | String | Matrix question External Id |
domainLevel | String | level label of Domin |
imp_project_externalId | String | Unique Identifier for the project |
organisation_id | String | Unique Identifier for the organisation |
districtName | String | Name of the District mapped to the user |
entityName | String | Name of the entity added by the user during observation submission |
instanceParentResponsetype | String | which type of question is - Like text, radio, slider, multiselect inside instance question |
clusterExternalId | String | Unique identifier of the cluster |
entityExternalId | String | Unique identifier of the entity added by the user during observation submission |
instanceParentId | String | Unique identifier of the instance parent |
instanceParentQuestion | String | question type has matrix Name of that is |
scoringSystem | String | Type of scoring is the question has Ex : pointBasedScoring |
district_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the District mapped to the user |
instanceId | String | Unique identifier of the instance |
role_title | String | User sub type |
observationSubmissionId | String | Unique identifier generated by system for each submission |
district | String | Name of the District mapped to the user |
instanceParentEcmSequence | Long | sequence order of Questions |
state_code | Long | Unique identifier of the State code |
maxScore | String | Max score can be given for Questions |
questionExternalId | String | Unique identifier for the Questions |
questionName | String | Question label |
criteriaLevelReport | Boolean | Is question criteria level |
submissionNumber | String | how many submission done for observation |
stateExternalId | String | Unique identifier of the State mapped to the user |
evidences | String | Link of the attachment uploaded |
percentageScore | String | percentage of score got for observation |
user_schoolUDISE_code | String | Unique identifier for the school |
question_response_number | String | Answers for question response type number |
completedDate | Date | Observation submission completion date |
user_type | String | User Role |
childName | String | Name of the criteria |
solutionName | String | Name of the Project |
domainExternalId | String | Unique identifier for the Domian |
programId | String | Unique identifier generated by the system for the observation submitted |
solutionId | String | Unique identifier of the Solution in an observation generated by system |
criteriaDescription | String | Description of Criteria |
instanceParentCriteriaExternalId | String | question type has matrix Id of that |
cluster | String | Name of the Cluster mapped to the user |
user_schoolName | String | Name of the School mapped to the user |
observationName | String | Name of the solution to which the observation is submitted |
questionId | String | Unique identifier for the question |
user_districtName | String | Name of the District mapped to the user |
entityType | String | Type of entity for the observation submission |
questionSequenceByEcm | String | Sequenced order of Questions |
createdBy | String | User keycloak id on the sunbrid platform |
channel | String | Root organisation of the user |
entityTypeId | String | System generated unique identifier of the entity added by the user during observation submission |
programExternalId | String | Unique identifier of the observation submitted |
ancestorName | String | Name of ancestor |
isRubricDriven | Boolean | Defines the type of Solution |
state | String | Name of the State mapped to the user |
cluster_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the cluster |
isAPrivateProgram | String | Boolean value that defines program type |
childExternalid | String | Unique identifier of the criteria |
imp_project_goal | String | Goal of project |
block_code | Long | Unique identifier of the Block code |
school | String | Name of the School mapped to the user |
evidence_count | String | Total attachment count uploaded |
criteriaLevel | String | level of Criteria |
district_code | Long | Unique identifier of the District code |
cluster_code | Long | Unique identifier of the Cluster code |
parent_channel | String | Column with constant value - "SHIKSHALOKAM" |
programDescription | String | description of the Program |
submissionTitle | String | Tittle of Submission |
user_blockName | String | Name of the Block mapped to the user |
isSubmissionDeleted | Boolean | is submission deleted or not |
solutionDescription | String | Name of the solution to which the observation is submitted |
domainScore | String | score's of Domin questions |
questionResponseLabel_number | String | Ans for question response type number |
entity | String | Name of the entity added by the user during observation submission |
clusterName | String | Name of the Cluster mapped to the user |
instanceParentCriteriaId | String | matrix question criteria id |
user_stateName | String | Name of the State mapped to the user |
createdAt | Date | Date of creation of the observation |
criteriaScore | String | score's of criteria questions |
minScore | String | minimum score's for questions |
stateName | String | Name of the State mapped to the user |
total_evidences | Long | Total attachment count uploaded for observation |
updatedAt | Date | observation last updated date |
label | String | Name of the level's - level1, level2 |
imp_project_title | String | Title of project in observations |
blockExternalId | String | Unique identifier of the Block |
pointsBasedScoreInParent | Long | points based scoring system for parent type question |
domainName | String | Name of the Domain |
schoolName | String | Name of the School |
remarks | String | Remarks Given By the User |
scoreAchieved | String | Total score achivedBy User |
school_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the School mapped to the user |
totalScore | String | Total score of observation |
block_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the Block |
school_code | Long | Unique identifier of the school code |
state_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the State |
schoolExternalId | String | Unique identifier of the School Id mapped to the user |
user_schoolId | String | Unique identifier of the School mapped to the user |
Dimensions | Datatype | Description |
solution_id | String | Unique identifier of the Solution in an observation generated by system |
observed_district_code | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Districy Code |
observed_state_code | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e State Code |
state_name | String | Name of the State mapped to the user |
solution_name | String | Name of the solution to which the observation is submitted |
observed_district_id | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e District Id |
observed_school_name | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e School Id |
user_id | String | User keycloak id on the sunbrid platform |
observed_cluster_id | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Cluster Id |
program_id | String | Unique identifier of the program to which the observaion is mapped to |
program_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the program to which the observation is mapped to |
observed_cluster_code | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Cluster Code |
app_name | String | Column with constant value - "dikshasurvey" |
observed_school_code | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e School Code |
observed_state_name | String | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e state |
ecm_marked_na | String | Evidence collection method marked as Not Applicable |
cluster_name | String | Name of the Cluster mapped to the user |
observed_district_name | String | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e District |
submission_id | String | Unique system generated identifier for each observation submissions |
entity_type | String | Type of entity for the observation submission |
observed_block_name | String | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Block |
status | String | Status of the observation submission |
entity_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the entity added by the user during observation submission |
entity_name | String | Name of the entity added by the user during observation submission |
observed_cluster_name | String | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Cluster Name |
school_name | String | Name of the School declared by the User |
solution_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the Solution in an observation |
block_name | String | Name of the Block mapped to the user |
program_name | String | Name of the program to which the observation is submitted |
observed_block_id | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Block Id |
observed_state_id | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Sate Id |
private_program | String | boolean value that defines program type |
observed_block_code | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Block Code |
board_name | String | Name of the board mapped to the user |
observed_school_id | Long | Observe Again Submission Entity i,e School Id |
district_name | String | Name of the District mapped to the user |
entity_id | String | System generated unique identifier of the entity added by the user during observation submission |
Dimensions | Datatype | Description |
unique_entities | Long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of entity_id |
unique_submissions | Long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of submission_id |
unique_users | Long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of createdBy |
unique_solution | Long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of solution_id |
ml-obs-domain | ml-obs-domain-criteria
Dimensions | Datatype | Description |
domain_externalId | String | Unique identifier of the Domian in an observation |
domain_level | String | Level lable of the Domain |
domain_name | String | Name of the Domain |
unique_users | Long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of createdBy |
unique_entities | Long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of entity_id |
unique_solution | Long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of solution_id |
unique_submissions | Long | Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of submission_id |
MongoDB Schema
batchLogger collection
reports_logger collection
Last updated