5.2.0 to 6.0.1

Note: This document has been revised to incorporate updates for version 6.0.1, including testing of the cloud-agnostic feature on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

(updated on 26-06-2024)


This page details out the jobs required to be run as part of the upgrade of Sunbird ED from release 5.2.0 to release 6.0.1. Use the following table to understand the Jenkins jobs that need to be executed in order to successfully complete the upgrade. Any jenkins job configuration or pre-requisites mentioned under manual configuration section needs to be done first before running any of the mentioned jobs. The order of the jobs should also be run as shown below.

As part of release-6.0.0 some Jenkins job parameters are added for cloud agnostic changes. Follow the steps below to replace the config.xml for those jobs.

1. Login to Jenkins VM

su jenkins

Replace the config.xml for the following mentioned Jenkins path

Adding the new variables

Update the following variables in sunbird-devops private repo according to your environment

cd ansible/inventory/dev/core/common.yaml

### Variables added as part of 6.0.0 release - https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/ml-analytics-service/tree/release-6.0.0/release-notes/6.0.0.md
#### ML Analytics Service #####
ml_analytics_cname_url: # Reference value - https://obj.dev.sunbirded.org/samiksha/

### Variables added as part of 6.0.0 release - https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/ml-analytics-service/tree/release-6.0.0/release-notes/6.0.0.md
ml_analytics_client_id : project-sunbird-dev-client # Keycloak client group
ml_analytics_username : reportAdmin1 # Username of a user which has roles of "PROGRAM_MANAGER", "PROGRAM_DESIGNER", "REPORT_ADMIN", "REPORT_VIEWER"
ml_analytics_createdBy : fb85a044-d9eb-479b-a55a-faf1bfaea14d # Unique system generated user UUID which is the same user as above
ml_container: samiksha

# provide the s3 compatible endpoint
# for AWS
# cloud_private_storage_account_endpoint: "https://s3.{{ cloud_public_storage_region }}.amazonaws.com"
# for OCI
#cloud_private_storage_account_endpoint: "https://<oci_namespace>.compat.objectstorage.{{cloud_public_storage_region}}.oraclecloud.com"
cloud_private_storage_account_endpoint: "{{ cloud_public_storage_endpoint }}" # Leave Blank for Azure
bb_name: "" #Leave Blank

cd ansible/inventory/dev/core/secrets.yaml

#### ML Analytics Service #####
### Variables added as part of 6.0.0 release - https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/ml-analytics-service/tree/release-6.0.0/release-notes/6.0.0.md
# Examples values added below
ml_analytics_password : Test@123 # Password of a user which has roles of "PROGRAM_MANAGER", "PROGRAM_DESIGNER", "REPORT_ADMIN", "REPORT_VIEWER"
ml_analytics_authorization_access_token : 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJkOTY3NzRjYzXXXXXXXXXXXXXQ4Y2RiOWQ2Mzg0OSJ9.n4hXxKxl_698yeZPSWhXeGvMOb4esfgPadIZe8jZ0Z4' # Bearer auth token which has access to APIs as defined in the https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/ml-analytics-service/tree/release-6.0.0/release-notes/6.0.0.md
ml_analytics_client_secret : fd241dce-4ZZ9-47e1-97cf-1c7de7a44216 # Keycloak client secret for creating tokens, mapped to client id supplied to variable ml_analytics_client_id

cd ansible/inventory/dev/KnowledgePlatform/common.yaml

druid_storage_type: ""  # Your cloud service provider name. Supported values are aws, azure, gcloud
# Optional variables - Can be left blank
cloud_storage_report_verfication_bucketname: ""
dp_storage_endpoint_config: ""

Remove the following variables

cd ansible/inventory/dev/core/common.yaml

ml_cloud_config: |

Build and Deploy for SunbirdED


Sunbird Lern:

Data Security Policy setup

Please refer the Lern microsite for setting this up


Sunbird Obsrv



Last updated