Actors & Actions


Learner (students, farmers, healthcare professionals, youth, and adults)

  1. Discover content for your learning

  2. Consume content for your learning

  3. Evaluate your learning by Enrolling to collections (courses and many more)

  4. Earn learning credentials such as certificates

  5. Monitor your learning progress

Guardian/Parent (any caregiver)

  1. Discover content for your learning

  2. Consume content for your learning

  3. Monitor your child's learning progress

Teacher/Mentor/Guru (anyone providing formal/Informal teaching)

  1. Discover content for your learning

  2. Consume content for your learning

  3. Evaluate your learning by Enrolling to collections (courses and many more)

  4. Earn learning credentials such as certificates

  5. Monitor your learning progress

Administrator (anyone who can help manage the learning and capacity building processes)

  1. Discover content for your learning

  2. Consume content for your learning

  3. Evaluate your learning by Enrolling to collections (courses and many more)

  4. Earn learning credentials such as certificates

  5. Conduct Surveys, Observations among stakeholders like schools.

  6. Support Roles like District, Block, Cluster Level Administration to create their workflows.

Community Member (anyone from society, Including market players)

  1. Discover content for your learning.

  2. Consume content for learning.

  3. Evaluate your learning by enrolling into collections (Courses and many more).

  4. Earn learning credentials such as certificates.

  5. Monitor your learning progress.

Note - Definition of Asset, collections can be found out in Learn ->Terminology section ahead

Last updated