Discover Content - Digital & Phygital

The Discover Content capability is enabled by the following components of Sunbird Knowlg

Asset Discovery is enabled using Multiple Features in SunbirdED.

Dynamic Tabs enables are the related content are listed as part of discovery. Each of these tabs can be dynamically configured to show multiple contents under common asset category. Each of these tabs can also be configured to show filters which are specific to content. All the configuration of Tabs are available as part of Form Configuration.

Search is another powerful mode of discovery based on keyword. System enables any metadata attribute to be used as "Filter". Search capability also enables the user to search based on dialcode as well.

Banners are used to discover the content under a specific program. Search Criteria for the Banner can be configured and pushed to production in real time to both mobile and web users.

QR Code also enables user to discover the content using simple scanner in Phygital way.

  1. Asset Category Service

For more information about Asset Category Service please click here

  1. Asset Search Service

  1. Dial Service

For more information about Dial Service please click here

Powered By Sunbird Knowlg

Last updated